Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Owners' Event 11:30 a.m. Saturday May 9th

Let’s Gather to Celebrate Motherhood

We'll Share Memories and Encouragements

Saturday, May 9th our mothers will be treated to mimosas and chair massages.

Come prepared to share a selection of poetry, prose or your favorite Mother’s Day Card...whatever speaks to your heart about the joys and challenges of being a mother or the blessing that your mother was for you.

During this time together Betsy Keller will speak to us about Energy Healing. She will teach a 5-minute routine that stimulates the immune system, enhances memory, increases vitality and brings more joy to a woman’s life.

Bring a picture of yourself as a young mother with your children. If you are STILL a young mother, bring a picture of you as a child with YOUR mother. We’ll do some guessing and award a prize.

Then you will have an opportunity to step outside that “mother” role and we’ll watch Mama Mia in the theater. We’ll sing and dance and have a great time. If you saved one of those outfits from your “Hippie” past (and can still wear it) bring it with you. If not, check the internet for costume rental. It will be great fun.

RSVP to Kathy Sluder (828) 293-3864